Schism glass is a black glass found on the planet Bryche, the setting of Project Aleutian. It is found primarily on the silent continent. The silent continent is called such because of its abundance in schism glass that disrupts the powers of the other crystals. This makes all crystal-based technology unreliable at best, but mostly it doesn’t work, leaving the nations there reliable on other fuel sources.
While there are several methods for manipulating the effects of different crystals, schism glass is the most reliable way to influence a crystal’s behavior or disrupt it completely. New technologies are usually developed in experimental chambers that have some kind of schism glass lining in the base.
They are also important in removing cumulus quartz from stone clouds. They help stabilize the crystal and disrupt its power and allow it to be transported elsewhere.
A special thank you to everyone who has been following Antibyss in 2024! We’re going to be taking a break to spend time with friends and family as well as play some tabletop games! We’ll be back in the new year and plan to shift from some of the lore to focus on the gameplay of Project Aleutian. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!